Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Fear The Beard, Charllie Brown!.. It is the spirit of Inner Sunset Village.

Lets call it like it is!.. Lets call it "Inner Sunset Village"

Hi, neighbors....  I settled in the Inner Sunset 41 years ago, because it had "a village feel"...  My daughter lives, now, in "Huron Village", a part of Cambridge, Mass.  A big part of the  "vibe" there is because the residents feel like they are part of a Village, not just a district.  
Villages raise a child. Villages take care of their members.  Villages have a more "family feel".  A "district" can be huge, like the entire Sunset, of which the Inner Sunset is just a part.   To promote the "family feel", I think it would be good to intentionally adopt the term "Inner Sunset Village".  

Laurel Village, for example,  has much more cohesiveness, for being named a Village...  Same for Lakeside Village, between 19th Ave and Junipero Serra Blvd.  If we thought of ourselves as a Village, we would sponsor teams,  and  clubs,  etc.  ( I hope.)  I will be trying to see if this has any traction, starting with  the next meeting of the Sunset Hts. Assoc. of Responsible People. (

Feel free to post a comment here, or email me
...thanks, jack barry